Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Fablehaven: Keys to the Demon Prison 4

Week's Reading: Chapter 24 to the End


  1. Wow, wonderful ending of a wonderful series...I just wish that there was more!

    I was so happy that no more friends died after Coulter. I was worried that almost everyone was going to die at the battle.

    I had no idea what Bracken's plan was...I thought they were planning some kind of ambush when all of the creatures from the fairy realm were running off in the other direction. It didn't occur to me that they were going to imprison them in the fairy realm and and rebuild the demon prison for the fairies! What a twist!

    I was glad to see that the Sphinx helped the Knights of the Dawn. Nevertheless, I think they should have let him die instead of granting his request to be an eternal. I can see that he may be a benefit (knowing how to escape capture) and that being an eternal isn't all that great, but I do not think he deserves to have it considering all of the murders and destruction he is responsible for. I also worry that he would some day find someone that he feels would be worthy to open the new prison...I do not trust him.

    I thought it was awesome that Seth killed Graulas and the ugly hag demon. If it wasn't for him, they may not have been able to retrieve the objects! The same with the Sphinx...if he didn't steal the translocater it would have been virtually impossible to go back and retrieve the other objects.

    I also thought that is was awesome that Kendra, the one who usually gets quite stressed and tries to avoid the serious action, killed the Demon King. Bracken and the Fairy Queen said they have never seen the sword shine so brightly; that says a lot for Kendra's purity I think.

    I like that Kendra and Bracken are together. I believe that Kendra will become an eternal so she can be with Bracken. This, however, would keep the prison even more safe (perhaps eternally) because after her family dies, Kendra would probably always live in the fairy realm, where nothing uninvited or evil can enter. I think Seth would want to become an eternal too, but I'm not sure if he actually would...what do you think?

    I am also very happy to see that Warren isn't bad after all! I thought it was interesting that he and Vanessa had a secret admiration of each other. I was also glad to discover that Vanessa was trustworthy to the end. She even fought with Bracken and Warren in the middle of the demons.

  2. This was really a fun series to read. I sure hope our library gets all the books. It would be a nice addition to our library. It was so fun to read and sure kept me guessing. There were so many things that I liked about this last section. It was nice that he kept bouncing back and forth from Kendra to Seth. We didn’t stay away from either very long and it helps you keep track better.

    I was so pleased that Dorin and Newell went with Seth. The promise of TV helps but I wonder if they would have anyway. I liked the humor they brought. Wasn’t it them that said that if you went out smiling it would frustrate you enemies more. They always seemed so cowardly but they had so much determination to be there in the end. Had to drive there on their own is such a short time, and then had to steal a boat to get out to catch the ride on the Lady Luck. They could have given up easily without Seth there to motivate them. They were heroes too as far as I am concerned. I loved that Hugo went along too. He is so big I didn’t expect that but then they said he just looked like a pile of dirt in the back of the truck. I felt so bad for him when he was worried about Seth. We all could use a friend like him.

    I was shocked that the Fairy Queen turned out to be a Unicorn. That really took me by surprise but then made sense. Being the son of the Queen made it even more logical that it was Bracken who gave up his horn for the relic. He would be the first to be asked and would feel that it was important for him to do it.

    A couple of comments I really liked are when Newell and Dorin talked about how much they enjoyed things that we had always had and took for granite. To them they are do special and they seem insignificant to us. We need to appreciate a lot that we have that many do not.

    When Seth received the Vasilis he told him to be careful because it was very powerful. Many who received it with the light used it in darkness. I felt that he was referring to power. Many who become powerful are seeking good but become corrupt once they get it. I think the Sphinx was that way. Fortunately Seth was not nor his friends.

    The number one comment I liked was when they said that the difference between world of the dark and the light was not geography but the people. That makes complete sense to me. Like heaven and hell.

    I really liked how he tied everything up. I always liked Vanessa but was afraid to trust her. I was so relieved when Bracken was able to read her and say she was truly with them. Once you realized that she had only been involved with the Society because she liked the Sphinx it all made sense. I too was glad that there were no more traitors.

    I loved the development of Seth and Kendra. I liked that we saw a lot of growth and strength in Seth but he was allowed to still be a teasing fun loving brother. Kendra grew a lot too but never really changed except for gaining more confidence. She was still scared but didn’t shrink from doing what she knew she had to do. I was shocked that she was the one who killed the Demon King (as was everyone else). I liked that the whole family was living at Fablehaven in the end. I think they will end up doing the schooling for Kendra and Seth there. With all they have experienced I am not sure they would enjoy regular school. They would probably find the kids their age too immature and silly. They have experienced too much. I think their best friends will be at Fablehaven.

    I think I may have voted with Venessa when it came to the Sphinx but think they did the right thing. I would definitely keep an eye on him.

    I also liked Kendras comment that she may become an eternal. Her relationship with Bracken is like Patten and Lena. If she became an eternal whe would not grow old as Patten did. If she had Bracken she would not grow tired of being alive and as Emily said she would probably live in the specail kingdom with the Fairy Queen and would have better protection. Wonderful books!!!!!!!

  3. Emily,I think Seth would consider being an eternal if he had the oportunity but who knows. I do know that he will be just like Patten, always on an adventure and learnig new things about the mystical world. I wouldn't be surprised if he wrote a book about Seth. Of Course Newell and Doran would have to be in it.

    Also I was pleased taht they would be able to put Mendigo back together and planned to give him a will too like Hugo. What fun. Sure wish I have a Hugo and Mendigo. They would be fun friends but also a lot of help!

  4. I took FOREVER, but I finally finished. I was trying to savor the last bit - not rush it since it was the last of the series. I was kind of surprised how easy it was to defeat the demons though. I thought it would be much harder and that many of them would die. Someone always died when they would try to retrieve an artifact, yet when they were fighting the very core of evil, no one died. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they are all ok, but it just surprised me. I liked the twist that all the demons are in the fairy shrine now. Kind of funny - very smart!

    I think I would have sided with everyone else about making the Sphinx an eternal. I don't trust him, but it seemed like the best choice.

    So I am guessing Warren is Vanessa's new love interest. Seems fitting. I am also glad she was trustworthy. As well as Warren.

    I'm unsure whether Newel and Doren would have helped without their reward. They needed the motivation in my view. The series wouldn't have been half as good without their comic relief. They were so funny! They remind me of me a bit. I'm not sure if that is a good or bad thing! I'm glad they were in the big fight til the end! Hugo too - he is like a giant, dirty teddybear. So lovable!

    I'm going to miss the world of Fablehaven, but it was a very worthwhile visit! I think I shall visit again someday! :)

  5. One more thing.... YAY SETH FOR GETTING THE BEST OF GRAULAS! I was really hoping he would get the chance to right that wrong!!! I bet that felt very good!

  6. Maybe no one died in the end because the finally knew who they could trust and Seth and Kendra two very important contributors had gained a lot of experience and focus.

  7. Wow! I really liked this book and series.
    It is fun to see how much Seth and Kendra have grown since the first book. I was so proud of Seth and what he was able to accomplish. Kendra and Seth are definitely very mature for their age.

    The fight with the Demons was so intense. Even though I figured that the good guys would win, I was surprised that it was Kendra that was able to kill the Demon King (Never underestimate the power of a virtuous woman!).
    Like Rosena, I also liked how Agad said that it isn't the location that makes a heaven or hell, but that it is the people who preside there.

    I was glad to see how everything was resolved in the end (even Mendigo). I'm glad that all of her family is together in Fablehaven. I also think it is neat that Kendra not only found her Unicorn in the end, but that Bracken is taken with her in return. I was confused about the deep relationship that him and the Fairy Queen shared and how he could feel anything for Kendra at the same time. I didn't want Kendra to be hurt and I also didn't want to get my hopes up after Gavin. So when we found out who the Fairy Queen and Bracken were and clarified his relation ship with the Queen and Kendra, I was delighted. However, it took me completely by surprise. It was a nice ending.

    Sorry it took me so long to post--I kept forgetting. I went ahead and posted for the last one as well.
