Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Fablehaven: Keys to the Demon Prison 2

Week's Reading: Chapters 8-15


  1. Finished the next 7 chapters. I don’t even know what to say.
    I was so anxious to hear what Vanessa’s secret was. I was shocked that the person inside the Sphinx’s organization helping them was her grandmother. How was I supposed to guess her? She was dead. I guess we should have guessed it was a possibility since the person had access to stingbulbs. Do you think Kendra’s and Seth’s parents are believers now. Just think her mother will be getting her parents and Kendra back who were all suppose to be dead. How would you handle that!

    I was as dumb as Seth. I wasn’t too worried about Graulas but I would NOT have gone to him first. I couldn’t believe that he even thought of it at such desperate times. I would have thought he would have thought of nothing but getting home. I was just trusting him to do the right thing and then he was so stupid. How could he have risked taking two artifacts anywhere unsafe?

    Now we have to worry about the Sphinx. I think they are doing what they have to. Desperate times calls for desperate measures. I am glad they are not following him blind but are on guard. Once he thinks he is back in power I am sure he will attack them. He just needs them now. It sounds like it was quite a shock to him when the demons took over. Too cocky..

    I was sad to see Coulter die. As I have said all along, I really liked him. After so many deceptions I am not sure if I would trust anyone now. I expect to see Seth a lot more careful now. Vanessa still has a part to play but I am not sure what that will be. After all that has happened I would be afraid to trust her but will Seth feel that he needs her?

    I like that Doren and Newel might be helping him. I love his exchange with them. Especially Newels comment when he found out Seth healed Graulas. “Did the Society amputate your brain.” They could add a lot of humor still amid a lot of stress. Hopefully they won’t chicken out.

    I am glad Patten is still in it. I was hoping he would be there at the old massion but his visual message was cool and I liked that Seth could keep it and hear it agin. I liked the way he talked to Seth. He did not waste a lot of time telling him how dumb he was but helped him understand that that though we don’t always make good choices we can’t let them cripple us into inaction. In stead of making him feel even worse about himself he encouraged him and let him know he still had faith in his abilities and gave him as many tools as he could to help him succeed. Wonderful advice!

    This is the most unpredictable book. There is no way to figure out the end except hopefully Kendra and Seth will survive. Can you imagine having a father with this imagination telling bedtime stories? I think kids would go to bed early just to hear more stories. I can hardly wait to read more.

  2. I like what Bracken told Seth about trusting Demon's. Just because they have been of service in the past doesn't mean they aren't evil to the core. Even Graulas said that about himself. However, when Naji Luna talks of Graulas it sounds as if he is not as bad as other Demons. And yet, who can you trust more...Bracken or Naji Luna. When someone left Seth the Sands of Sanctitiy (just what Graulas was wanting) I knew he was being set up. It made me sick that Seth went to go heal Graulas especially at a time like that. I've had my fair share of mistakes, but I can only imagine what a mess up like Seth's would feel like. Talk about DESPAIR....and yet he is able to take responsibility and try what he can to conquer the problem instead of cowering hoping someone else will pick up the pieces. I am sure this experience is something he will never forget and will change him forever. I have to admit that I cried when Coulter died.

    So was everyone surprised when the Sphinx started to help? I wasn't so much. I just hope that through all this he might have a change of heart. Knowing how easy it would be for things to go wrong if he still were able to accomplish what he wants.

    I think it is neat that Kendra finally met her Unicorn!

  3. Lana, you were smarter than me. I did not think about Seth being set up but I couldn't think who would have been helping him. I thought it was a spy maybe Grandpa.

    I don't feel comfortable with the Sphinx's help. I'm surprised Warren went along with it.

  4. I have been a little nervous about Warren. I am not sure if we can trust him...especial after the fact that we do not really know what transpired between him and the Sphinx.

  5. Hmmmm....a lot has happened. Chapter one was kind of creepy when they said that Graulas's face was crusted stuck to the floor.

    I can't believe that Seth went to heal Graulas. I knew Seth was going to heal Graulas to be kind, but I was thinking that Graulas would turn and attack. I feel sorry for Seth. It would be hard to have a friend die because of a choice I made. It would be hard not to take all the guilt even knowing your intentions were good and that you were just trying to be a friend to Graulas.

    I was surprised that Grandma Larson was the one that dropped of the knapsack to rescue Kendra when she was kidnapped.

    I think we should trust Vanessa because back at Wormroost they were all about to die, but she woke up Tanu and saved them. She is a real hero!

    I'm not so happy that Seth is going to use the Wraiths. I think that they will trick him and help open Zzyzx.

    I wish I had a bottle that would release a gaseous form of my friends so I can talk to them whenever.

    Emily, I can't believe you don't trust Warren.
    I don't think that Warren is helping the Sphinx. I just think that the Sphinx is trying to help Warren and the rest keep Graulas from opening Zzyzx. However, I think the Sphinx will defeat Graulas and then try opening the Zzyzx himself again.

  6. Yeah! I finally caught up!

    Wow! Really loving the book so far!
    Seth had mentioned in the dungen about wondering if it was possible to die of bordom. I think I totally would! Then to find out that the bathroom was a hole in the floor. Gross! So glad the he had Bracken to help break up the monotony if anything. I feel that he is okay to trust. I like him.
    Like Lana, I was suspicious about the Sands of Santitiy being left with the Translocator for Seth. It seemed a convienent.
    I had a feeling that Graulas was up to no good but I didn't see that coming. I bothered me how he kept hurting and then healing Seth. I guess it's better than just hurting him?!
    I was really sad about Coulter. I was leery of him in the begining but grew to really like him. He was family!
    Sorry Jaci, Like Em I'm suspicious of Warren. I will be really sad if he turns out to be a traitor. Just like Grandma and Grandpa Larsen he could be living with the other side gaining trust for years. I really hope that's not the case. I did seem strange to me that he wanted to be taken to the Living Mirage separately from the rest. Either he is really thinking ahead or he is another one up to no good. I will be curious to see where his allegiance lies.
