Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Lightning Thief 2

Week's Reading: Chapters 7-14 by March 3rd


  1. I think that Annabeth is one of the half bloods that were with Thalia (the daughter of Zeus that turned into the tree). Remember how Thalia saved the others she was with, well I think that Annabeth was one of the saved ones. I wonder if it was Thalia that took care of Annabeth when she ran away (Why else does she carry the necklace with the tree (Thalia) on it. I wonder if Grover was there also. It might have been the first quest he messed up that they referred to earlier in the book. Grover is sorry to Annabeth about something, maybe she blames Thalia's fate on Grover.

    What do you think of Percy's dream? Do you think that Hades has the lightening bolt or do you think that some one else has it and Hades wants Percy to get it for him?

    What do you guys think of the Oracle prophesy? Who do you think is the friend that will betray him? Do you think that it is Grover or Annabeth or do you think that is too obvious? What about “what matters most?” It would would appear to be referring to his mom, but we know that the prophesies are not always what it seems.

    The messenger in the water told Percy to “not trust the gifts...” Is she talking about the pen/sword, the cap, and flying shoes, or is she talking about their gifts as mythological beings.

    I wonder what the people saw when they saw Percy fighting the monsters at the top of the Arch. When they were being taken out on stretchers it sounded like they saw everything. Probably because it is hard to miss a huge Chihuahua. Actually maybe it did look just like a huge Chihuahua rather than some nightmarish creature with a serpent tail.

  2. So Janae is goat woman, Elisa is...uh...who knows what, and Emily (Auntie Em) is Medusa!

  3. Uh...Lana, It's Sayter! :-)

    I've been very curious about all of your above questions,too! I'm even wondering if maybe Chiron is the one that the Oracle was speaking of regarding the friend he can't trust. I almost think that Grover or Annabeth would be to obvious. Chiron is one that has been Percy's mentor but maybe he has a different agenda. I think he is the last one most readers would pick. Remember when Percy was talking to luke through the mist at the car wash, and luke said you would have to be invisible to steal the bolt at mount olympus? Well, i think that the writer is trying to make us suspicious of Annabeth. I bet that Chiron was at Mt olympus and that he took Annabeths hat for invisiblity and stole the bolt. I bet he wants to start a war for some reason or another. I don't think Hades is the one that stole the bolt. Especially when Mrs. Dobbs on the bus with her scary friends asked "where is it?"

  4. So what are you lana??? I'm still trying to figure out Elisa??? Or MOM??? If I'm a sayter aka goat woman, does that make mom one too??

  5. Why is Emily Medusa? I'm probably the "normal" one in the family. HA HA HA!
    I liked how all the kids looked like their God parent, all having similar looks. Camp Half Blood must be a strange place. It would be weird to go to a camp full of people who look like you and share a parent with you. Crazy! Poor Percy though, having to be all alone.
    I loved the Oracle. AWESOME! I think I would have screamed, then fainted! How creepy was she!?!? Very interesting what she foretold! Makes your mind go crazy to make sense of it. I can't imagine what Percy must be thinking and how much he must be worrying about.
    I think Lana is right about how Annabeth arrived. I've been thinking the same thing.
    I don't know who the friend is that is going to betray him, but Nae has made a good point. I've wandered about Chiron too, but I just don't know! I'm also thinking Hades doesn't have the bolt. Which makes me think that the friend who betrays Percy is the one who took it.
    There is SO much to think about. I am feeling a little nutty! But at least I can say I'm NOT feeling a little goaty or snakey! (HE HE HE) Can't wait to read more!!

  6. That is funny that you two think that it is Chiron, because that was the unlikely person that I automatically thought of too.

    Elisa, Emily is Medusa because remember the name she went by--it was Auntie Em, just like our kids' Auntie Em.

  7. First off...

    If I suddenly realized that the world is full of disguised monsters, and I had just recently been attacked by the Fury's---I would no way, no how trust some odd woman whose face is covered by a thick veil, has some weird hissing coming about her personage AND who has a garden full of very realistic statues. I would back away and run like no other, no matter how hungry I am...

    But then, I really wouldn't have anything to worry about since I am Auntie Em---hhisssss ;)

    There is one part that I was a bit confused on, in which Echidna tells Percy to jump into the water bellow. She knows that he is the son of Poseidon...but does she know that he will heal? Does this mean she wants him dead or not?

    I also wonder who the messenger in the water is. Percy said that she looked liked his mother, but the messenger said she was not but that his mother's fate is not hopeless.

  8. Good Comments! I am the slow one this week but have finally finished my chapters. I am with all of you as to when Annabeth arrived. It will be interesting to get the "rest of the story" Percy said in his dream that whoever or whatever was talking to him from the Underworld wanted to know where it was and seem to be trying to use him to pull himself out rather than pull him in. It sounds like someone who needs the sword to get out of the underworld. I don't think Hades has it either. I hadn't thought of Chiron as the possible betrayer but your theories are good. I just hope it is not him because they made him sound so nice.
    I too wondered why the old lady was telling him to jump. It sounded like she thought he would die. I wondered is she knew something we didn't. My thought though is that at Half-blood camp they didn't know who Percy was until just before he left. If Enchidna came from Hades maybe they don't know for sure who he is yet.

    I think Elisa might be an Annabeth. She is always looking for somehting new to make only I wouldn't trust her with an invisability hat. Em you are stuck with Auntie Em. You will have to keep that in mind for next Halloween. So who is Lana. I haven't heard any comments.

    I spent some time with the dictionary and looked up a lot of the names to see who they were. They said Chiron was the tutor for Archilles. That doesn't sound like a plotter but then maybe he looking for some excitement.

    Percy is Matthews age. I think you would have to be half god to be able to deal with all that trauma at 12 years old. I would be a basket case after the minotaur incident. I think it is special though that his motivation is not the sword but his Mother. I am glad they gave us the hope that he will be able to get her back. Be then again they made it sound like that that might be where he fails.

    Pretty intense story. Incidently I really like Gordon. Scared but has the courage to act when he is needed. I think he represents how most of us would be. None of us would chose to try to be a hero but all would do what was necessary when we were needed and shake afterwards.

  9. I feel pretty smug figuring out that his father was Poseiden. Of course the clues were pretty obvious. But I figured it out.
