Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Lightning Thief 3

Week's Reading: Chapter 15 to the end


  1. This was quite the mystery! I was so shocked to find out that the god of war had put the lightning bolt into Percy's backback, but it all makes sense now...

    I knew it was going to be Luke who was going to betray Percy. At first I thought it was going to be Annabeth (thinking that she was doing the right thing) but when Percy was talking to Percy through the IM, I thought he was acting a little odd and then when Grover had problems witht the shoes, my suspicion increased.

    I like Percy's father. I was a little worried because I wasn't impressed with any of the other gods. They are all too selfish and many are not even willing to take the time to acknowledge their child. But Percy's father seemed to really care for him.

    I am curious of how the series will end...

  2. I was also glad to see that Percy's father seems to care about him and is pleased with him. When he tells Percy that he is sorry he was ever born, Percy takes it to mean that he doesn't care about him, but I think it just means that his Father knows that Percy is going to have a hard life as a hero. It makes me wonder what his future will hold. I was surprised when Percy's father told him about his Mother being alive and home. I glad that he still cared about her and had wanted to take care of her and build a palace for her. Maybe the reason that Poseidon cares more for his son than the other gods care about their sons is because Percy is his only son. All the others gods seem to be carelessly having offspring.

    I was surprised by Luke at the end--I forgot that there was still a half-blood at camp that was doing Kronos work. I think I just figured that Ares was the betrayer.

    So who gave Luke the Sword and the pop? Some one other than Hades is paying him off. Is it Ares?

    The underworld was awful. I'm so glad that there is a heaven in reality. I can't imagine what that would feel like knowing that is where you would go after you died. So few people went the the gated area and they were heros.

    I like the point the Author was making with the Casino (where they lost track of time). It is so easy for us to get absorbed in things that may be enjoyable, but have very little (if any) importance.

  3. I too was supicious of Luke. When the shoes took off on their own and would not respond to commands I was sure of it. Then when it turned out that Ares was the one who put the lightning bolt in the backpack I was fooled into thinking that Luke was innocent. I was sad when it turned out to be him.
    The book really keeps you on your toes. There is a lot to keep track of.
    I was pleased that Percy did not turn his step-father into stone. I think it showed strength. It would have been easy for him to take revenge on him. It was great that he let his mother take care of the problem herself. However I was surprised taht she turned him to stone. I doubt he will be missed though. It didn't sound like his so called friends thought much of his opinions either. They were always standing up for Percy.

    I was pleased that Annabeth's family wanted her to try again. I think it makes a statement that sometimes relationships may be hard but family is very important and worth working for. I liked the fact that they were reaching out to her. The whole family was there to pick her up.
    I also like the way Percy treated Hades. He didn't treat him like a deamon. Did that make it easier for him to send Percy's mother back when his helm of darkness was returned.

    I,m with Lana. I liked the lesson of the Casino. It is amazing how you can lose track of time sometimes doing things that are of no consequence. I am amazed that he was able to figure it out. He frustrates me though when he is aware of things not being right but then goes ahead without putting up any guards. Medusa, the arches, going to the forest with Luke. There are warings that he sees but then he just blunders in. I keep telling myself that he is only 12. The resoning part of our brain develops last. I guess that is typical of kids. They know better but get caught up in the moment.

    How did the gods know medusa's head was in the package. I don't think they opened it. How did Luke get the coke into camp. Are there others in camp that are working for Kronos?

    There a lot of people who fear dying. They must be familiar with Mythology. Didn't sound like much fun to me. It sounded like the really bad are tortured and most of the rest were just miserable.

  4. I laugh everytime I read one of Percy's dreams. They seem so familiar.... At least none of my have come true, so far.
    The shoes were a dead give away when Grover was being dragged away. I had my suspicions about Luke, but then again I had suspicions about everyone in the book. Through the whole book I was trying to figure out who was going to betray him, hoping like crazy it wouldn't be Grover or Annabeth. I'm glad it wasn't Chiron, Percy is going to need him I think. I'm, like the rest of you, wondering where the sword came from and the coke. I don't think it was Ares. He seemed to much like a pawn in this as Luke is.
    I think my favorite character in the book is Grover. I love how brave he is despited his fear. It seems like bravery comes more easily for Percy and Annabeth. It makes me admire Grover.
    I'm glad Percy's mom is back. That must have been hard for him to leave her behind when he could have saved her, having her so close and knowing he had to leave her behind. Makes you glad to be ordinary, not a hero! I don't envy what him and what is coming. Doesn't sound like it will be pleasant with the word "tragic" being thrown around so much. I'm definately going to be reading more of the series. Can't wait to see the movie now!
