Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Fablehaven: Grip of the Shadow Plague 1

Since we all seemed to keep up with the last Fablehaven pretty well, we will again read the next book in a segment of three weeks if that works for everyone.

Week's Reading:
Chapters 1-8 by April 14th


  1. Wow... I am really impressed with Seth! He didn't open the window to the Shadowman! I was sure he would! I do not trust the Shadowman, even if it is Coulter. Considering what has been happening to creatures of light, I am sure that this is the dark part of Coulter. I am also certain that it is the previous occupant of the Quiet Box that is causing the trouble.

    I am worried about Kendra and Warren. I do not like Warren's idea of stealing the relic once they find it. In fact, after reading his idea, I became worried that we might not be able to trust Warren. However, I now feel that he is trustworthy, but he acts on the spur of the moment, enjoys the adrenaline rush of danger, and just does what he feels needs to be done without much consultation. He is just the older version of Seth.

    I think eventually they will release Vanessa for her help. I think they can trust her to a certain degree, because she wants revenge upon the Sphinx, but they must be leery of her at the same time.

    I am not sure what to make of Gavin, but I like him so far. I think that they will be able to gain his trust and that he will become a reliable allie. I am anxious to see his talent as a dragon charmer.

    I am not surprised to discover that Kendra was chosen as a human handmaiden to the Fairy Queen. I am so anxious for her to learn her abilities. I am sure she has become a very powerful individual.

    Wow, a lot of suspense in the first 8 chapters...

  2. Am I missing something, Lana?!

  3. Emily, you totally nailed it on the head! Warren is definitly the older version on Seth. I've been thinking that too! I also agree with you about Coulter. The "lighted fairies turned when they got bitten by the "turned" fairies so why wouldn't Coulter be a "turned" version of himself. I think he is just trying to lure them to the woods. It's really making me think why only Seth can only see him.....any idea's?
    I didn't even think about the prisoner that was released to be the one causing all the trouble. That would totally make since. I have a feeling that the Sphinx is going to end up being a good guy. I think we may all be falling into Venessa trap. He definitly seems very suspisious. Expecally how they can never get ahold of him when they really need him.
    So do you think that the Captain of the Dark knights is the Sphinx? The Dougan said it wasn't but i don't entirely believe him.
    Warren made a good point about how it didn't seem right that the Captain wanted to know all of the hiden preserves. But, like Emily, Warren has also made me a little nervous....I'm worried that he may have a alternate mission. I really hope not! I would be so sad. Definitly good reading so far.

  4. Hmmm...Janae I am wondering if you are right about us all being duped by Vanessa and Warren. First of all, why was Warren after the relic on Fablehaven three years previous? He claimed that the Captain wanted him to get it. Why? Did the Captain really wanted him to get it? Is Warren serving someone else? Since Warren failed the first time, and if it was so important, why didn't the Captain send another to get the relic soon after Warren had failed as they are doing in the Lost Mesa? Is Warren on the good side???

    However, despite my suspicions of Warren, I am still unsure about the Captain, who ever he may be. The relics would be safer if not one individual knew where they all were. This would help prevent the dark side of knowing where they were, and if the dark side found out the light side would more than likely find out too with their spies and notice any serious activity that is out of the norm.

    I am getting so confused! I am unsure who to trust!

  5. Okay, I am finding myself questioning and suspecting everyone as well. I really hope Warren is good. I think he is--I just think the Author is wanting us to question everything we thought we once knew. Kendra really thought it through for an hour as they waited for Douglas to cup back from talking to the Captain. It said that she tried to think of why not to go, but couldn't keep from feeling like she needed to. I think Kendra has been always able to trust her instincts. Even when Errol was trying to trick her, her instincts were not to trust him, she just chose to not to follow them. This tells me that going with Warren is the right thing. What Warren and Kendra are ding is very dangerous, but I think that is would be very bad if the Captain was to have key.

    I feel like I'm playing the game "Master Mind." In the game you off a hunch and make all of your decisions based on that single hunch only to find out that it was wrong. That is how I have been feeling about the Sphinx. Like Janae, I've been asking myself "Is the Sphinx really bad?" Having said that, I do still think he is bad. I think he use to be the captain but people were starting to expect that he was (like Vanessa) and so he put a proxy in to act as captain for him. As for the guy from the quite box, I think that somehow he plagued Fablehaven and is now the one acting as captain under the order of the Sphinx. I think he is the Sphinx's secret weapon.

    I think Coulter CAN be trusted. Mendigo didn't see him as a threat like he did the darkened fairies. I think the Fairies made Coulter a shadow to make him harmless because they couldn't go against the treaty and kill him. The plague may not have effect on Humans. However,I am anxious to see why only Seth can see him and why Seth is the one he needs. I think that if they go with Coulter they may gain some important information that will help them. I really don't think they should be using Vanessa anymore. I feel like she is now starting to be very cunning and that worries me.

    I know that Kendra is preocupied but I wish she would talk to some more fairies while she is away since she is able to get so much information from them. I think she could really get to know how to use her powers if she asked the right questions. I think that because of her powerful light, she will be able to stop the plague and heal all the darkened creatures. The fairies weren't strong enough to fight it, but her light is soooo much more powerful.

    I think the moral of the story so far is that you should never work with or trust an organization that is secretive. Even if it is founded by good people. It fosters the ability for it to turn bad without you even knowing it.

  6. Very true about the secrecy. It makes me very worried. How do you know who you are working for if the voice under the mask keeps changing? How do you know that another has not taken their place, like the one who was in the quite box as Lana said.

  7. Lana, what is this, are you reading a different version than me. Seth is still alive in me book. Have you been turned into an Imp?
    I already wrote this blog and lost it so here goes again. I hope I can remember what I wrote. It is driving me crazy that I don’t feel like I can trust anyone one! Not the Sphinx, Warren, Coulter, of course Vanessa. . . . . .He is making you doubt everyone.
    I still trust Grandpa, Grandma, Dale, Tanu. I also still want to trust Warren. We worried about him so long that I would hate to have him turn out to be a bad guy. He doubted the wisdom of the Knights of the Dawn having the relics all together and activating them. He is showing some wisdom. That was the whole idea of having them at different reserves and even hidden reserves and not have them activated. I was thinking that even the Sphinx said that they needed to be in different places and that NO ONE should know where all the reserves are. I just wish they hadn’t taken Kendra with them to get the relic. She will be pressured to activate it.
    I am with Lana, I hope she has a chance to talk with more fairies. It is something that they can instantly tell that she has powers. I think that it will be through them that she learns the extent of her powers. I am also wondering if there is more to her getting the powers. Did the Fairy Queen sense her good heart and good instincts and and forseeing what was coming give her power to help save Fablehaven and consequently the world. Because she is human, is she going to be able to do things that they could not do for themselves. I think there is a lot more to her getting her powers than we know at this time.
    I like Gavin. I think he is a lot like Kendra. He seems to have very good instincts too. I liked his questions at the interview. I liked his skepticism of the need for secrecy. I think their secrecy will cause them a lot of trouble. I think the captain who ever he is, is BAD. Nothing he said made sense to me. Even his reason for secrecy. It sounded like it only protected him. With all the masks you could be doing something for someone who you already know you can’t trust and not even know it. I sure wouldn’t want to be risking my life for someone who would not let me know who they were.
    I just had a thought. Gavin’s father kept him a secret. Why? Was his mother a mythical creature? Was he born with powers that his father helped him develop but no one knows? I think there is a lot to learn about him yet.
    I too think that we might be able to trust Coulter. (I hope) When they sent Mendigo into the woods to get the ball he went in at the same place that Coulter came out and yet he didn’t do anything. Mendigo has been very sensitive of the dark creatures but wasn't effected by Coulter's shadow. When there has been danger he has ignored Seth’s commands. I too am confused as to why Seth is the only one who can see him. Does he need help to get his body released? Why Seth? I still like Warren and Coulter and hope they prove trustworthy.
    I am wondering if the Sphinx is OK. If the Sphinx is innocent, is the person from the box someone unjustly put into it? Will he be the secret weapon? All the suspicion towards the Sphinx might be distracting us.
    One last thing. Seth is using a little more caution in regards to his window. He learned a pretty big lesson about listening when he opened it last time. However, he still has a tendency to want “the big adventure” be “the big hero”. I think it will not be long before he will go off half cocked again. Is he going to do good or cause all sorts of complications?

  8. I think that you are right about Gavin's mother. There definitely seems to be a lot more to him than meets the eye, like Kendra. I am anxious to see his powers or talents along with Kendra's.
