Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Fablehaven: Rise of the Evening Star 3

Excellent comments, everyone! While you are finishing up the novel, be sure to think about a new novel and post any ideas on the post below.

Week's Reading: Chapter 8 to the end



  1. I really enjoyed the book. Seth's courage paid off this time. With Coulter's bag at least he had a chance and it did pay off. It took more than the potion to accomplish his task. Like Kendra he thought of family and others to give him the added push to accomplish the task. I was pleased to find that it released Warren, Coulter and Tabu from their state. I hadn't thought of that possiblity. Thank goodness though for Kendra sue need Warren. I felt her only chance was within protection of the reserve and worried that she would leave it.

    I liked the brownies. I thought it was funny that they convinced the brownies to let them through their tunnel by telling them that they might change back to their original size in their tunnel if they didn't. Good argument. I also thought it was cute that they made them clothes. Pretty fast workers. Can you imagine trying to run around and go out windows and through brush with only a blanket around you. Not my cup of tea.
    So do you think they can believe Vanessa? I was worried about them letting her help with the cat but that paid off. They would have been finished by the time Coulter and Tabu got there. The secrecy of the other prisoner bothered me and then when she got Vanessa's message it really bothered me. I think she needs to be very cautious with the Sphynx but also still cautious of Vanessa. I am wondering if Kendra and Seth will eventually let her out. I definitly hope Kendra will not let the Sphynx know of any more powers she discovers and should wait to activate any more objects. Will she tell her grandparents about Vanessa's message? I don't think so though she may tell Seth. She also may trust Warren enough to tell him.
    I don't remember who said it but they said that you need to be careful with whom you trust. That is true in this book but also very true in life. People definitely are not always what they present themselves to be and in one way or another they do use the skill of playing your ego to win you over.

  2. I was surprised by the ending. I think that Vanessa is telling the truth about the Sphinx, but I think she has already shown that she is not trustworthy. I don't think they should look to her for help. I hope that Kendra shows her Grandparents Vanessa's message because I think that they are the only ones she can trust and they may know how to move forward knowing the sphinx is bad. I won't be surprised if it takes awhile for the Grandparents to find out, but I think maybe she WILL tell her grandparents but they won't trust it because of there long working relationship with the Sphinx. I think that it will take a bit for them to finally come o the conclusion that he IS bad, perhaps after Kendra is already in his hands. I think that she is in danger of the Sphinx especially if he knows what she knows. I think he needs her to activate the other relics. And I'm sure that he would love to use her for her other powers. I think he probably has a better idea of what she may be capable of (being fairy-kind) than he lets on.

    I really like Warren. I have to admit though that I was leery at first that Vanessa some how found a way to control him because of his mind was at a sleeping state. Once I found out that it was because the curse had been broken I had to go back and reread the part when Warren was cured so I could just enjoy the fact that he was back to himself!

    I think that Warren was probably a lot like Seth was he was younger--Looking for adventure. He gives me hope that as Seth continues to mature that he will be a lot like Warren.

    I'm afraid that we will learn more about the prisoner that was released from the Quiet Box in the next book. I wonder what kind of benefit he will be for the Sphinx.

    I'm anxious to see if Lena comes out of the water in the next book, and if Kendra is able to give the cup back to the fairy Queen. If she does I wonder what new developments might come of it.

  3. I knew before Seth actually took the nail out that it would heal the albinos. When we first met the Sphinx I had suspicions that he was a bad guy. Does anyone know what the Sphinx in the story is?

    I'm surprised that Warren is more like Seth than Dale.

    By the way, why does Kendra keep having to say that Warren is sooo handsome? This book is suppose to be about fighting scary monsters, not lovey-dovey stuff!

    The valt-kitty-cat-thing was really creeping me out. I was scared when the cat had two heads and spit the black stuff on Warren. I was glad when Kendra was able to heal him with the dust.

    I had forgot at first who Mr. Lich was, but then remembered that he was the one that took them to the lobby to see the Sphinx.

    I was glad that they were going to put Vanessa into the Quiet box. I was surprised when they opened the box and only saw velvet lining. I wondered where the prisoner was and thought it escaped as quick as lightening so no one would see him.

    NO FAIR THE CAKES GONE!(Translation: To bad there is no more pages to read).

  4. I'm really loving this series. It has been a lot of fun. I'm so glad I can talk to someone about it too! It is hard to read really good books to yourself and not share your thoughts or hear others thoughts.
    I thought the book ended really well. Like Mom said Seth's courage finally paid off. It was cool that his unselfishness got him through it - his courage to help for his family. I don't think I would be so willing to sacrifice myself for any other reason.
    I was also glad that Warren is now back and was able to help in the end. They wouldn't have been able to pull it off without him. I think Kendra's crush on him is cute. So there, Jaci - I think the boys you know probably all still have cooties. Loved the kitty cat - reminds me of our cat Lola at times!
    I figured out what was going to happen at the end when the sphinx explained what was to happen with Vanessa. It clued me in that he was possibly a bad guy, not only that but probably the leader of the Evening Star. He was just acting to suspicious in the way he was handling it. I was proud of myself. I'm also glad everyone turned out to be ok. I'm loving all the characters!
    Can't wait to read more. Only 3 more to go!

  5. I'm surprised that you (Elisa) were suspicious of the Sphinx by the way he wanted to put Vanessa in the box. I didn't have any suspicions of the Sphinx but when we read Vanessa's message, I thought "I should have seen that coming!"

    It makes me wonder what would have happened if Kendra left Fablehaven like she was planning to find the Sphinx. Would he have done something with her since she was not protected, or would he have continued pretending like he was a good guy?

    So did the Sphinx purposefully keep himself unavailable so he wouldn't impede with Vanessa's plan?

    So, like Jaci, I too am wondering who and what the Sphinx is. Do you remember what the Grandparents said about who he is? Do we know why he is called the Sphinx and how he came about? He is obviously immortal or has a REALLY long life expectancy. Is he human or a mystical creature?

  6. I loved it! I was like Lana. I had no suspicions of the Sphinx. I really liked him. I don't want him to be a bad guy. I'm very curious who the prisoner in the quiet box was. Like the rest of you I'm guessing we'll find out in the next book.

    I knew there was going to be a message left behind by Venessa. What would be the point of her giving Kendra the candle and marker if she wasn't going to leave a secret message behind. I was just waiting for her to find it!

    Love the whole journey throught the inverted tower. It kept me on the edge of my seat (or bed, since that's were i did all my reading) I would have been nervous using the stick that defied gravity. I'm actually kind of sad that Errol died. Even though he was bad it just seems like a horrible way to die.

    Just curious.....what creature would all of you have picked to fight in the room of the pictures of different monsters??? I probebly would have gone for the dwarf. I'm sure I would have been imediatly turned into a slug or somthing but he sounded less big and scary.

  7. This book is a real page turner. Although I took a break to pass my exam to become Ham radio operator. I am not as far as everyone but after reading all the comments I am excited to finish the book.
    I agree with everyone that I thought something wasn't quite right with Vanessa. At first I tought the secret messages between Kendra and Vanessa, but after some thought I wondered if that wasn't a good thing. I also wonder about Coulter and his convincing Seth to something against his grandfathers wishes.

    Now Seth is rolling around in a cocoon but that was fast thinking on his part to realize that was what was happening.

    I thought the Sphinx was a good guy until Coulter was telling Seth that Sphinx had sent him on a special mission. There is to many secrets in this book.

    I think it is sweet that Kendra has a crush on Warren. Maybe they are destine for a relationship. Is that too fairy tale..ish.
    Besides she was the only one that he responded to.

    I am in agreement that this a fun series and I want to read the rest of the books. I also heard that Brandon Bule was in Boise autographing his 5th book which I thought was just released.

  8. Sorry, I am so late to respond. Joseph and I have been sick.

    I loved the book. It is impossible to stop during the inverted tower scene! Janae, I would have picked the dwarf too. But then I am Medusa, so I think I could have turned him into stone before he turned me into a slug...

    I too was impress with Seth, though I was irritated that he just left to go fight it on his own again.

    I really like Warren. I liked how he was trying to make everything "lighter" than it really was for Kendra so she doesn't get too scared, even though he had been mortally stabbed and poisoned.

    I completely believe Vanessa's message to Kendra. I was getting really suspicious of the Sphinx too. However, I don't feel that they can trust Vanessa to help them because she will only do things in her best interest. I also don't believe that anyone, including Seth, the grandparents, or Warren will believe the message. They will all see it as Vanessa trying to confuse Kendra.

    I am axious to start the next novel, but worried that we will meet who ever was in the quiet box...
