Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Fablehaven: Secrets of the Dragon Sactuary 4

Week's Reading: Chapter 22 to the End


  1. I had been suspicious that Gavin might be Navarog, but was trying really hard not to believe it because I really liked him. Even when he turned into the Dragon I was still trying to convince myself that maybe there was some other explanation. I'm so upset that Gavin was fake. Even now I keep finding myself looking for some other possible explanation.

    I agree with a statement Mom made last week about the Hermit Troll. She said that he must be in there for more reasons than just to entertain the reader and is wondering what role he may play later. The Troll has been in that knapsack for a very long time. I'm sure he knows it very well. Perhaps so well that he knows where the vents are to get out another way. /maybe he will be the one to help free Warren from the Knapsack.

    As awful as it is that Seth and Kendra's parents are gone, at least maybe they will see everything as it is and the kids won't have to keep everything a secret from them anymore. I think they should all move into the Mansion house in Fablehaven!

    I feel bad for Kendra. She never gets much of a break, and everything just keeps on escalating. It is amazing how much Seth and Kendra have matured in less than 2 years. I am so proud of them—Seth is really thinking and isn't impulsive anymore. Kendra is so thoughtful of others that it drives her to do the scary things that are necessary to save them.

  2. I just realized that I went into the wrong section with my last comments. A little embarrassing. Ignor the other and here it is again so you can read it with the others. Sorry for the confusion. Must be because I am over 50 --- way over 50.

    Rosena said...
    Wow these last chapters were quite intense! So many surprises. Unlike Lana I never suspected Gavin at all. Even when he stated turning into a dragon and ate Dugan and knocked Mara off the cliff I thought there was an explanation. I thought he was helping them not himself. I was really shocked to find he was Navarog. It has to be so hard for Kendra. Too many people she really likes and wants to trust turn out to be deceiving her.
    (one more lesson about life)

    Despite all the surprises I enjoyed these chapters. Nothing was predictable. You knew that there would be three creatures that they would have to go against but could only identify one. It would be so scary going somewhere and knowing that you would have to fight three monsters and only had a vague idea of who one of them was. The unknown is more scary than the known and the known can be scary enough. Usually you have some idea as to what will happen but this time he was very good at keeping us in the dark. Vanessa appearing through Tanu, the knapsack burning, Gavin being Navarog, getting rid of Navarog --- all unpredictable surprises. Very good writing as far as I am concerned.

    There were incidentals that I liked too. The adults had a hard time letting Kendra and Seth go in against the last dragon. That would be hard to do when you know you are suppose to be protecting them. However, they recognized all that they had been able to accomplish and realized that all though children they were very capable. How often do we discount the abilities of our children because they are children or because we want to protect them. It is hard to let go and let our children take on adult responsibilities. Fortunate they are hardly ever life threatening. Along similar lines I liked it when Kendra was talking to Raxtus and he discounted the value the fairy gave him saying she was like a mother to him so of course that is what she would say. How many parents have heard this. As a parent it hard to help children see their value sometimes because they are too quick to discount it because you are their parent. We tell the truth!

    I feel sorry for Kendra as she continues from here. Who does she trust? They have even kidnapped her parents which is against the treaty. Fortunately she has Seth. It is interesting that in the beginning of this book she was wishing that she could talk to Seth about the things Patten wrote but was afraid of what he would do with the information. I think now she may feel that she has someone she can safely work with. He is growing well. She must feel that it is the two of them against the world. Grandpa did tell her though that to give up trust completely is to give in to the evil. It wins. I think Kendra will struggle but she always is concerned about other people such as when she plead to the Fairy Queen to forgive the owl creatures. I think she will even be able to work with Vanessa. I only Vanessae she doesn’t let her down again. I am still very curious to hear what Vanessa’s secret is.

    I still think Coulter will solve the time transport gadget and hope he brings Patten AND Lena back to help. Will it be through Patten that they will be able to get Warren out? Maybe information through the Secret Journal?

    These were intense chapters and left so much unanswered. I am very anxious to start the next book. Hope I can get our library to get it soon.

  3. I loved the last few chapters. What a fun book this one was!

    I really liked Raxtus. I'm so glad he turned out to be a real hero in the end. It proves anyone can be a hero, not matter how insignificant. A good thing to know! Kendra was very lucky to have him around to help. I loved when Raxtus ate Navarog! YAY! It was funny how Gavin/Navarog thought Kendra was playing with him by looking over his shoulder like someone was there. So many humorous moments in a book full of scary, intense, and sad moments. What a good mixture!

    I was glad Kendra got another opportunity to talk to the Fairy Queen. It is good to learn that the Sphinx is human. In my mind it makes it easier to do him in at the end! I hope so! However, I know he is quite a force to be reckoned with. I am also glad Kendra was able to get the Fairy Queen to let up on the Astrids a little. It is cool how Kendra is good at reasoning with others, and also flattering others. She has a good heart, I think that helps. It's also cool how Seth is able to reason with the darker creatures and keep his cool. They make a good team and it is a good quality for both of them to have.

    The temple was not an enjoyable place. I am a scaredy-cat! I don't know how anyone could brave that one!?!? The whole thing with Tanu really confused me. I had to read it a few times. Thinking it was a typ-o, I read on only to discover it was Vanessa! WHAT!?!? So, crazy! Pretty cool she saved them, whether or not she is on the right side. I loved how Tanu grinned knowing his body slayed a dragon. Cracked me up!

    Th last dragon was my favorite. Probably because of the way they killed it. I thought it was cool that Kendra and Seth did it together as a team. It shows how powerful they are together. I particurly liked how Seth egged Siletta on. It was pretty funny. Poor Mendigo though. I'll miss him too.

    The whole Gavin thing confused me. I thought he was pretending to hurt everyone at first. Boy was I wrong! Another surprise! I've learned, like Kendra, you can't trust anyone, knowing someone else might prove to be another bad guy at any time. BUT, I didn't see Gavin as Navarog, although now it seems so obvious. I knew he could be a bad guy - just didn't even consider him to be Navarog. CRAZY! I'm glad he got eaten in the end! MWA HA HA HA HA!

    I'm like Lana and think Warren will escapse, possilby with the help of the hermit troll. Makes sense to me. However, I'm still very worried that Warren is not a good guy. I hope he is, but I'm concerned. I'll be very upset if Tanu turns out to be a villian! By the way, who gave Kendra the knapsack in the first place? I don't think it said yet.

    My favorite part of this section was Seth taking advantage of the silver chains around their necks and asking Gavin if he liked his sister. That really cracked me up. I can totally see Kait doing that to Erin. I have really grown to like Seth. He has become a lot of fun, and isn't driving me so nuts-o anymore.

    I can't wait to see how it will all play out in the last book, but will be sad for it all to end. I get attached to the character and find myself wanting more! Oh, well.

  4. Geez, my comment wasn't long or anything! Yikes! WAKE UP!! ha ha ha

  5. I thought it was neat that it was Navarogs arrogance that allowed them to kill him. I am also glad that he is gone already. I am sure the Sphinx is dissapointed. Isn't that just too bad.

    They haven't just come out and said it but was it the Sphinx that gave Kendra the knapsack and stingbulb so that he could use her to get information?

    I may be too trusting still but I still think Warren is good. He is just too much like Seth. I am like everyone else, I hope he is good. I am hoping that we have NO MORE traitors. They just need to figure out how to outsmart the Sphinx. He has the occulus (or what ever it was called)and a lot of knowledge accumunated over a long period of time. That is why I think they will need Patten back. He also has a lot of knowledge accumulated over a long period of time as well as needed bravery and abilities to bring everyone together. Besides I still miss Lena.

  6. I am not sure if it was the Sphinx who gave Kendra the bag. From the account that Navarog gave to Kendra, it doesn't sound like the Sphinx had planned for Kendra to escape and leave a Stingbulb behind...I think there is someone else in the picture that we are going to learn about in the next/last book.

    I am positive that we will see Warren again. The poor guy has gone through too much through these books to just be killed off so easily. I think Lana is right...Bubda knows how to escape through the vents (remember he can get through small and tight spaces). Warren will probably trick/get Bubda to find help from Seth.

    I am very sad that Gavin was Navarog. Like everyone else I thought the author was just trying to make him look like a bad guy, but he was really trying to save them (that he didn't really eat Dougan, but was going to regurgitate him). I feel pretty stupid now. I thought Gavin and Kendra were perfect for each other...oh well...

    I have one question. Have the Astrids gain the Fairy Queen's notice by sacrificing their lives to save Kendra even though they were powerless to do so? If you notice, the Astrid stated that "Now that we are able to speak to fairies" (pg 516) they were able to have a fairy translate for them to the Giant. However, the they were not able to speak to fairies before that. The Fairy Queen stated, "My people have not been able to communicate with the astrids since the King was taken"(pg 424). She only removed that barrier for Kendra when she had Kendra drink from the pool. Does that mean we will see more of the astrids in the next book and that they will have gained some of their power back?

  7. I don't think that The Sphinx gave Kendra the knapsack either. Vanessa made it sound like there is an ally that is working undercover as part of the society of the evening star. Obviously the secret guy with a mask wasn't Navarog/Gavin like we thought because she would have at least recognized the masked figure was a kid. That leads me to think that the masked person is the ally, and that the mask is perhaps to hide their identity from the Sphinx.

  8. I am really confused. When Kendra told about her experience with the Sphinx Vanessa said that she wasn't concerned about the ones who tried to read her mind but she wondered about the one in the mask. To me that indicates that it was not who she was seeing through. I still think it can be Lich. He would also have access to the stingbulbs because he works so closely to the Sphinx. We don't know anything about him. The rest of you are moving on to the next book so I hope you see this and respond. Any more ideas before you start getting the answers?

  9. I didn't think it was clear that the person that Vanessa was seeing through was the person that helped Kendra. She might have just been able to recognize and ally through a different person.
